Friday, June 15, 2012

Fittness Training is a Ball

So this is the second of the three posts, entitled Near Death, Death, and Rebirth. This one then, is Death.

So I found out I am a juggler, not a true juggler in the physical sense, but a "juggler of tasks." Most Moms, and over achievers/multi-taskers in general are nodding their heads right now. I did not know exactly how many balls I had in the air, until one day, they all fell to the ground, like lead cannon balls.

About a month ago, my Dad started to drastically slip away from us, and eventually he passed on. On a Monday evening (after work,) I saw him, and sat with him, while my Mom had an obligation. I went home (70 miles away) that night around 9pm, sure that we would be without him soon. On Tuesday, he went into a Hospice House. On Wednesday, while my children where at school, I drove there, and sat with my Mom, and Sister. I came home to get the girls off the bus, and to take my oldest to her softball game that night. On Thursday, he was gone, I drove to see him, be with my family, then back home to get the girls off the bus, and attend another softball game. Friday was filled with making arrangements, then back home to get girls off the bus, and another softball game. Saturday, our band had a gig. Sunday we had out of town friends at our house. Then the calling hours, and services, with trips home and back each day. Girl Scouts end of year ceremony, and picnic, more softball (proud my daughter was chosen to be on the All Star Team,) and my husband having shoulder surgery. Do you see a pattern here? Do you know why I dropped some of the usual balls? It was all I could do, to keep up with my "must do" commitments, there was no time for the luxury balls, like cooking, cleaning, oh...and training.

So for three weeks, I did what I could to attend to everyone's needs, and make all the commitments I had occur. This is who I am. It is who I have always been. I struggle with taking care of myself. It will be the last thing I say yes to, when the list is so long I can hardly see the bottom. So, in essence, when my Dad died, so did my commitment to myself, and my training schedule. And the new saying in our house is, "When you say "yes" to one thing, you say "no" to another." How was the queen of saying "yes" going to get her mojo back?!

Well, I did...and that is the topic of the next post...Rebirth.