I have Fibromyalgia. I have been combating the symptoms (chronic fatigue and pain)
of this auto-immune disorder with exercise and diet. I began with
marathoning (a year prior to my 35th birthday, as a gift to myself) to give me a goal, and keep me on track. Because I am very
competitive and driven, the training provides a "no excuses" routine for me.
Tri-ing was the next step in my journey. I wanted my exercise plan to
be more eclectic and wished for the challenge. It has been the right
choice. I am more balanced, and recover more quickly. The health, strength, and confidence it gives me is immeasurable. The
hardest part about training for the race is finding the time to
get all the training in. I am a Mom of two wonderful little girls (6 and
9), a home daycare provider, a girl scout leader/trainer, and a soccer
coach. On "bad" days with my condition, I find
the ability to push through it, because I am tenacious. I have a separate
planner with my scheduled trainings in it. I work with my families
schedule, and my work/volunteer schedule to get each days training done, whenever
I can. Sometimes this means getting up early, sometimes it means
staying up later, often times it means sacrifice, but the payoff is
worth it. So far I have completed several
5ks, an 8k, 3 half marathons, a 14 mile trail race, 3 full marathons, and the Iron Girl Triathlon. Every race has helped me feel inspired (by racers, especially ones meeting challenges, and my
own desire to overcome my obstacle,) hopeful (I usually get a little emotional,) and accomplished (the
culmination of
all the hard work.) I am jazzed for the
rest of the day (and sometimes into the next week!) This year I
challenged myself further ~ Because my "good months" are March -
September, I made my goal to do 2 races each month, with a total of 14
for the 7 month period. They include ~ 5ks, 8ks, a 15k, a 21k bike ride,
a 33 mile bike ride, a duathlon, 2 triathlons, 2 mud/obstacle runs, and
a 1/2 marathon. My motto is,
"Because today I can." Do what you are able to, knowing that you can do
it, the reward is immeasurable. I do this so I can be a better person,
mother, and woman, I am proud to call myself a marathoner, a triathlete, and one tough mama!!
My favorite quote, "You
are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for
you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave
honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure.
Persist! The world needs all you can give." ~E. O. Wilson
You are amazing! Go Jennifer Go!